In the Media

Leadership - Product - Marketing - Technology

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  My blogs Thought Leadership Here you can find all kind of blogs that I have written
UK Economy Bleeds £11bn Due
to Poor Broadband
Demand Creation Connectivity is getting cheaper but customers are unaware. This also triggered the discussion that good access technologies are still not everywhere available
Daisy Upgrades Digital Platform Brand Building I wrote this press release to improve the brand reputation of Daisy.
Selling M2M in the Channel Thought Leadership Internet of Things is mooted to be the next best thing and I too jumped on the bandwagon
  Special Feature – Bits and Pieces Special Feature Article
October 2008
The market is flooded with cheap and poor quality products and its true that not many customers are able to tell the difference. When you look under surface one discovers the difference between high and low quality products…
Get Connected Editorial
June 2010
Above is still true but this editorial discusses the issue in more detail and highlights the issues around low quality and real time services such as VoIP..
  TrueNet Frame Press Release Press Release I wrote the press release base content of this press release, launching the new Frame.
Lucent to sell “phoneless phone networks” to get 3G going Interviewed by Guy Kewney
October 2002
At that stage many operators invested a lot of money in their 3G licenses and there was uncertainty on how to generate revenue from 3G. The following interview explores the ‘data first’ approach
  Getting down to business with 3G Advertorial (Light) As part of a tradeshow, the following article was placed in this magazine